Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monzter by new member Kian

This is a picture of Flame-O by my brother Kian. Flame-O's weapons are a fireball slingshot and a flametorch. Flame-O was named after he was in a fire accident and he's always mad and he's waiting to get revenge on everyone.

Monzters by new member, Ralph!

The monzter on the left is the Robot Monzter. He was a monzter but Dr. Monzter turned him half into a robot and half into a monzter. The monzter on the right is the Man-eating Seamonzter. He was originally a land monzter but Dr. Monzter put him in a monzter changing machine which made him have flippers and webbed feet. These pictures were drawn by Ralph, a new member of the Monzter Club.